Saturday, March 20, 2010

Legend of the Seeker Season 2 Episode 14 - "Bound"

When Sister Nicci casts a powerful spell on Kahlan, linking their fates, Richard must protect the evil sorceress while Kahlan confronts her past in a bid to break the spell.


Anonymous said...

thank you so much!!!!!

Anonymous said...

omg thanks for such a quick update.. love this site!

Anonymous said...

WOW, THANK YOU FOR ALL YOUR HARD WORK, THIS SITE IS THE BEST. I cant watch alot of these shows because of my work schedule, but thanks to you i can stay caught up, thanks for such a fast update, PLEASE keep up the good work...

Anonymous said...

I can't wait to see the next episode! This was a great one!!

Anonymous said...

This site is awsome!!!! i cant wait 4 next weeks episode!!

Anonymous said...

Heartly congratulations from Sweden. This site is the BEST.Thanx for a fast update. You´r the best! :)

taloos said...

I hate to say it but the Seeker should be caneled or renamed because this is not the Sword of the Truth by Terry Goodking and if he allowed this series to happen this way then he sold out. Because there are so many things thats happening in The Seeker that disgraces the book and this episode 2-14 Bound proves my point. In the book Richard is a stones carver not Kalins father and Richard needed to be the stone carver to save the main town to save the world. There has been nothing in this tv show that has even went along with the book that is even interresting. I say cancel the tv show or fix the problems. I know its a long book but stick to the plot of the book because the things that happened in the book has a role and in the show there is no role and it has lost every thing that the book stood for

Anonymous said...

Thank you sooo much! I was in the middle of watching this episode and when it came back from commercial they had another show running! WTF? So thank you so much!

Tyler said...

I agree with taloos, isn't Kalin's father supposed to be some kind of ruler/fighter. I was also disappointed in how quick they severed the connection between nicci and kalin. And why the hell did they have richard loose his magic.

Anonymous said...

I think Legend of The Seeker is the best TV show Ever This is a great show wow!!! thanks

Pereyra said...

Best site !

and the best Tv show !!!!!!!

May said...

@ taloos and Tyler
If you don't like it, don't watch it! Simple as that. No, it isn't like the books but that doesn't mean it can't be a good show in it's own right! How about you try enjoying it for what it is, instead of what it isn't. Nobody is making you watch it, much less come on here and complain about it.

Unknown said...

Seriously - thanks so much for keeping this sight going work prevents me from watching on terrestrial or sat. To those who say the seris is the same as the books, who cares. The books are good yes but honestly this is great TV, get over it.

Anonymous said...

N3W 3Pi$0d3 t0dAY!! YAYY!!!

Anonymous said...

always a great show.......
and taloos.... The seeker was never a stone carver like you say.... in the books he was always a woods guide never a stone carver.... also Tv series cant always follow the books due to copyright so next time you want to make a comment against somthing get facts right before you do

Anonymous said...

If the tv show too closely mimics its source material them there is no point in watching it as you know the exact sequence of events that will play out. The purpose of having it "based on" not the literal interpretation is that it would take too long for for the plot to truly advance so things need to change and it also makes it easier to appeal to the people who haven't read the books, think any movie adaptation of a book or comic, things change because it's much easier to do.

Anonymous said...


The books are great but there is way too much mature content for primetime television. It would be banned instantly.
I personally think it's cool to have a sort of alternate reality to the path the characters must take in the books. The books and the tv series are MEANT to be different things. To me it's like reliving the same world even after finishing the books.
However I will say to anyone who watches Legend of the Seeker but refuses to give the books a read as well... Fail.

Anonymous said...

I love this episode. The emotions really put a massive affect on how the story goes. I think that this one really shows how the characters care for each other.

Lightenamb said...

I agree with May

No-one is forcing you to watch it and frankly you almost have to go out of your way to watch it, so its not like its being rubbed in your face.
The book or the t.v show is not meant to be inspiring its for enjoyment- so just enjoy it or get a life...

Anonymous said...

You know, the book is Sword of Truth, but the show is Legend of the Seeker.

It's nice that the show is BASED ON the book, but BASED ON doesn't necessarily mean FOLLOW. It's perfectly understandable for the show to have an independent story line while drawing some SIMILARITIES from the book. This not only makes sure that the show (being something entirely different) does not disappoint the book's original awesomeness, it encourages viewers of the show to read the book (which is entirely different from the show). So you get Legend of the Seeker, and the Sword of Truth. Two DIFFERENT but wonderful stories.

That said, if you're unhappy with the show, don't post it here. Go voice your concerns to the producers of the show.