Saturday, April 10, 2010
The Legend of the Seeker Season 2 Episode 16 - "Desecrated"
The lives of Kahlan, Zedd and Cara are in jeopardy when the Seeker stands between a dark avenger and a group of villagers marked for death. An evil mage tricks Kahlan and Cara into a trap. When Richard discovers the truth he orders the mage to release the women he imprisoned and threatens to kill him if he does otherwise. The mage claims that the Seeker will never find Kahlan and Cara if he is killed. Women are trapped in a chamber with a limited amount of air having only a day until it runs out. Cara asks Kahlan to kill her hoping it will buy the Mother Confessor enough time to be saved.
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legend of the seeker is starting to suck.
Sisters of the Agiel!!!
I am sorry to hear that Legend of the Seeker may be canceled after this season. This was not the strongest season. But there is potential
After the introduction of the character Cara--not much positive advancements occurred.
Your loyal fans can give you the wrong impression that things are not stale. But some plot directions didn't make sense for an astute leader.
Richards method and reasoning for giving up his powers sounded ridiculously, in addition to his lack of resolve in a crisis.
You need a new writing proces
s if not a new team.
Also You need some light scripts mixed in with your heavy arc. But light as in playful but still showing how Cara, Kaylan, Richard and Zedd are still human. I think one of my favorites was the girl in the palace episode. This year I liked the stories of the Rahl bloodline and the diversion to the sexist king.
You have good base to not be able to make a great series in the ilk of Xena and Heracles is beyond me.
If you are blessed with another season...smarten Richard up a bit.
Don't allow the will they or won't they moments that have killed many shows than yours. Feel free to take liberties with the book but draw those fans in.
And Darken Rahl is a great villain find a way to use him or Nicci in a more meaningful way.
I cant wait for the next episode it will be awesome keep the episodes of the legend of the seeker going i love this series its awesome......And i hope some chanel in the near future here in greece air the series pfffff Legent of the seeker 4 ever...(-))((--)!!!!
Agree with ya Darim
season 1 ruled
season 2 is starting to annoy me >.<
it is losing all the main charectors and some of the episodes is to by time which is a little annoying although they are still quite good
love it :D
I read the books. There are a lot more antagonists than Darken Rahl. Let's shut the stupid veil already and let the threat from the old world come.
The books are a lot darker yet they have a lot more witty banter.
And Richard not having powers really sucks. He's a really smart character in the book, whereas in the TV series, he's a bit of a dumb brute. I can't even count how many times he has said "whatcha talking about?" in the TV series. Come on.
Here is what should have happened. Richard becomes the new wizard of the first order, Zed dies/killed (I love Zed though), a new Seeker is named by Richard, and the quest to destroy all evil continues. I didn't like how they killed off the new Seeker so quickly, he was cool.
when will episode 17 be posted? cant't wait :D. Thank you so much!!!
I think you are all wrong. The ending may suck but the whole series still has not lost its meaning so we must still belive that this show has not reached its greatest limits yet
dude! why do you tell us how the books will end? not all of us have read them yet.
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